It Was a Corruption Election. It’s Time We Realized It. | Foreign Policy

While I continue to disagree with the inclusion of The Clinton Foundation as part of the corrupt system, this author has a lot of experience. We are screwed.

"For, like the people of Mosul in Iraq or northern Nigeria, who traded intolerably corrupt regimes for Islamist crusaders who were worse, Americans will wake up in January under a system that is more corrupt than the one that fueled their rebellion."


Thu Dec 08 2016 13:01:09 GMT-0600 (CST)

I worked at Flynn’s DIA, and I fear that he will put us on the road to war with Iran | Foreign Policy


"This “black swan” theory of his intensified concerns among my DIA colleagues that he was pushing raw intelligence — known as “stove piping” — to the White House. His fondness for spurious conspiracy theories put him at odds with the national security team at the White House. Sure enough, within a months of this chatter Flynn was out."


Thu Dec 08 2016 12:53:57 GMT-0600 (CST)

News Coverage of the 2016 General Election: How the Press Failed the Voters


**"“Were the allegations surrounding Clinton of the same order of magnitude as those surrounding Trump?” asks Patterson. “It’s a question that political reporters made no serious effort to answer during the 2016 campaign. [...]

"The real bias of the press is not that it’s liberal. Its bias is a decided preference for the negative. As scholar Michael Robinson noted, the news media seem to have taken some motherly advice and turned it upside down. 'If you don’t have anything bad to say about someone, don’t say anything at all.'”"**


Thu Dec 08 2016 11:41:52 GMT-0600 (CST)