What Women Really Think of Men

Good point.

**"So what if Mr. Trump is known to have crassly assessed women based solely on whether he, Mr. Trump, found them attractive, or that he has shamed women for breast-feeding or gaining weight? That’s men. That’s your husband, your father, your brother, your son. [...]

"When we declare that men will always be brutes and women can only shrug from on high, we engage in what President George W. Bush once called the soft bigotry of low expectations."**


Fri Dec 09 2016 18:00:39 GMT-0600 (CST)

California Looks to Lead the Trump Resistance

I am so pleased about this. California has the strength and resources to do this because it's been led by Democrats for several years. Consequently, they have a booming economy and well-managed state financial picture. I wish they had a donations page so I could contribute.

**"Bills introduced this week in the California State Legislature confront them directly. One would create a program to finance legal services for immigrants fighting deportation. Another would provide training and advice on immigration law to public defenders’ offices. Come the purge — and Mr. Trump has said he is going after two million to three million people immediately — many will need lawyers. [...]

"{Another bill] would bar state or local resources from being used for immigration enforcement, a strictly federal duty. No state or local law enforcement agency would be allowed to detain or transfer anyone for deportation without a judicial warrant."**


Fri Dec 09 2016 07:19:59 GMT-0600 (CST)

A comment on that article...