Donald Trump and the Rise of American Authoritarianism

This is going as badly as I feared. Gonna be a long four years.

"Triumphalism is the order of the day—triumphalism in the face of the fact that the president-elect's margin of defeat in the popular vote is up to 2.5 million at this point, and triumphalism in the face of the fact that the president-elect's approval rating is the worst ever recorded among presidents-elect."


Mon Dec 05 2016 12:32:43 GMT-0600 (CST)

The Rage of 2016

It's the same song but nicely said.

"Strongmen and autocrats everywhere — not least in Egypt and the Gulf states — are exulting at Mr. Trump’s victory. [...] I fear for my children’s world, more than I ever imagined possible."


Mon Dec 05 2016 09:22:28 GMT-0600 (CST)