Pundits Like Chris Cillizza Wanted Hillary Clinton to Save Them From the Truth of Donald Trump

"Consider, for example, Chris Cillizza of The Washington Post. When the Smithsonian opens its American Museum of Feckless Journalism, the Cillizza exhibit is going to be right there in the lobby, across from the statues of Maureen Dowd and David Brooks. It is Cillizza's contention that HRC was the Worst Candidate of the Year. Worse than Scott Walker, who never made it to the starting line. Worse than Marco Rubio, who left people unclear whether or not he was a malfunctioning replicant. Worse than Chris Christie, whose every campaign slogan began with the phrase, "To the best of my recollection…" Worse even than Jeb (!) Bush who was, weight for age, the worst politician on the stump that these eyes ever have beheld."

read more: Pundits Like Chris Cillizza Wanted Hillary Clinton to Save Them From the Truth of Donald Trump

Tue Dec 20 2016 23:18:19 GMT-0600 (CST)